


Evolution Coach | Colour therapist | Faith focused mentor | Motivator

Hey! I am Lynne. I am a STRONG, feisty, independent 40+ WARRIOR explorer with an extreme passion for next level connection. There is NOT MUCH that I am afraid of & I am well known for being ‘trouble’ for anything & anyone that challenges Gods purpose, His plans & my passion for YOUR evolution… I am a phoenix, fearfully & wonderfully crafted into an enemy defying, Warrior unleashing, Life & Evolution coach, wife, mom, bestie & cheerhealer!

In 2015. At the HEIGHT of my corporate Fashion Executive career, my mind was headed toward meltdown & my heart was breaking. I loved my job. For all intense purposes, I had it made & YES! I had made it…. But my peace & purpose levels were NON existent. I felt stressed, overworked, underpaid in my 6 figure monthly salary. I looked FABULOUS but I felt like a FRAUD & I WAS NOT willing to do it any longer. Through Executive coaching to TAKE OVER THE POWER REIGNS in my corporate job, I was guided towards Vision & Purpose…. My life would never be the same again.

I was


in activating my purpose

  • Vision
  • Intention
  • Purpose
  • Activate




I RECLAIMED my FIRE. My love for people, for heartfelt motivation, for Divinely assigned magic, for deep connection & strategic support. My profound purpose was suddenly burning like an undousable flame inside me. I finally saw that I had been BETRAYING myself by trying to use my gifts to build an empire that was not aligned to the truth my heart knew & yearned for. I was not honouring my soul, I was not magnifying God, I was not walking in purpose. I WAS strung out, dressed to kill while making millions but slowly killing myself as I continued to push myself to the brink for the love of fashion, a monthly salary, recognition, corporate clout & power.

At the end of 2015, prompted by my executive coach, I got qualified as a Results Life coach in the hope of providing better support for my ever expanding fashion team…. I DID NOT expect God to completely change the trajectory of my life. By 2016, God had instructed me on next steps & I started praying DAILY for clarity, courage & frankly ‘the BALLS’ to walk away from a 15 year career in the fashion industry, my future, my meal ticket, my legacy & my life as I had come to know it.

Could I? Would I? Listen to me tell you what happened next in person.


that I often get asked & how coaching can help you too.

Did you struggle to create the life you dreamed about & did you feel like you settled for less than you know you deserved?

YES! I didnt know what I didn’t know until I started evolving & learning how to build for impact. I journeyed through Vision, the samy way I will teach you how to. I support you to dream, create goals & take action with accountability that allows you to recognise your worthiness & freewheel your VISION skills at your discretion. This is a process you can learn, adapt according to your needs, integrate, flex within & review. It is also a process you can teach to others. Shine your light amongst men! Tap in & Dream Big!

It's been several years... Do you still struggle to be BOLD, BRAVE & ACTIVATED in various areas of your life?

ABSOLUTELY! Thought patterns & challenging habits don’t disspear, we just redirect the energy around them & shift our thinking. I still practice building confidence, being brave with my boundaries & stepping into my authentic power through tried & tested strategies that I teach & walk out for you to see within my various groups. There is no RIGHT & WRONG way because God made us all UNIQUE and STILL in His image. Its a personal process & YOU CAN DO THIS! Personal, spiritual, career- you are 1 person so you have 1 process and it IS MESSY and bloody hell thats OK! We learn from one another constantly & We are Bold, Brave, balanced & whole!

Did you ever feel like your mind & your words create a world in which you feel disempowered & like you are constantly betraying yourself? Do you still feel like that sometimes?

I DID, I DO… but less frequently now that I understand who I am. I worked on improving my thinking (brain/mind) & feeling (spirit/soul) skills & conscious language so that I was building consistency (routine) & momentum. I curated a process for myself & I will help you to do the same… then within the safety of a community… we walk it out! TOGETHER. The coaching process is definable & we adjust according to your needs, your challenges & your God design. In the evolution ecosystem, Everyday is a mental, emotional, spiritual health day!

Did you struggle to be your most powerful human self while still hearing from, recognising, obeying & building connection with GOD within your process? HOW did you do it, is it possible to have faith & walk it out in the world?

ABSOLUTELY! I had to learn so many things about myself & how God wanted to be in relationship with me, LOVE on me & use me for His purposes. Once I understood & accepted how He made me, I could activate those gifts at will & show up in that power. I was no longer as tired, burned out & worn out from pretending to be something I was not. We work together to discover YOUR God design, embracing your gifts, connecting the dots, recognising the patterns/ learnings & practicing Holy activation! Gracefully walk your life out in purpose IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE (even the ones that don’t currently have God in them), with purpose & for purpose…. ON purpose!

Did you struggle to assimilate all the learning you were doing? What about SELF HELP? There is just so much info available out there. How can I create a SIMPLIFIED wholistic routine that works for me?

I DEFINTELY DID! After I went through a coaching process & found myself… it took me years to integrate the learning & be comfortable flexing the muscles. This was because there were no spaces for me to do that. To figure it out. SELF HELP is great but sometimes you need reassurance, guidance, acknowledgment & accountability. To this end, I create & constantly curate that space for you. We flex in BEING & LIVING as our WHOLE selves, creating the individual ecosystems that we each need to thrive & own our power within every area of our development & various life roles. The church is about being THE BODY. We ARE THE CHURCH… we are the body. We are stronger together!