My Oily Evolution Journey

Time for a catch up Hey lovely! Its been a while. There is so much to catch up on. So much that I need to tell you and share with you. I will have to take some time to do that at some stage. There is SOOOOOO much to share! Something NEW! Today however, I am here to...

Truth & Love

The truth is that last year, whilst undergoing the final league on the journey of self discovery that led to me making one of the biggest & most profound changes in my life, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior & the Holy Spirit came to walk alongside...


  This last 2 or 3 weeks have been challenging. I have just been feeling very out of sorts & have had the pressing need to be completely consumed by the word of God. This is sometimes hard because the bible is not always easy to read & understand. I have...


This morning I am feeling intensely distracted. I find myself trolling the Facebook pages of self help & growth guru’s for inspirational messages daily. I save them in the hope of referencing them in moments of weakness & passing them on to friends that may...