Building confidence by giving yourself space

What has inspired this BLOG post? If anything, I am always honest to a fault because I understand fully that in order for me to evolve as I need to, I must be upfront with myself & in awareness of where I may be struggling. That means being honest with those...


The feeling of being rejected is something that I have been dealing with lately. Actually I am dealing with it because it is a theme for me & something that I feel that God is saying that it is FINALLY time to let go of. I will be covering it a bit this week in my...

What is The Evolution Journey?

Today I am reflecting on peoples Evolution Journey’s & where God positions me. I am honoured that I get to walk alongside people. I get to walk alongside them as they are reclaimed by the Father & as they rediscover their truth. As they uncover their...

Walking in purpose

Today I am reminded how blessed I am, to have found the path to my purpose. It has not come without many realisations, sacrifices & tears. Giving up my old life, my corporate career, my lucrative monthly salary, my corporate wardrobe, my friends in the fashion...

My Oily Evolution Journey

Time for a catch up Hey lovely! Its been a while. There is so much to catch up on. So much that I need to tell you and share with you. I will have to take some time to do that at some stage. There is SOOOOOO much to share! Something NEW! Today however, I am here to...